Speciality Stone Cleaners
We are glad you are looking at our range of speciality stone cleaners.
With hundreds to a thousand different cleaning chemicals available today, the chances of you buying a wrong product, a useless one, a damaging one, an over advertised one, etc.. are relatively high as companies continue to strategise on their marketing plans to grab more of the market without first understanding the actual requirements. ..
We atStone Doctor Australia are a dedicated stone care company that has spent many years in perfecting the art of stone & tile care. Our speciality stone cleaners that we have in store have been rigorously tested and they perform really well.
Our speciality stone cleaners can be separated into 2 main areas and they are either Acid Cleaners or Alkaline Cleaners.
Our acid cleaners are formulated to be aggressive on the job while being gentle on the tiles itself. It is imperative that you carefully select the products you need and if you are unsure, ask one of our stone and tile consultants to assist you. Quite often an acid cleaner may not be required as an alkaline cleaner being somewhat milder can be used instead. Bear in mind that acidic cleaners cannot be used over calcite based materials such as marble, limestone & travertine as they will damage them.
There are method statements that we can provide you which contains more information on the process involved when using our speciality stone cleaners. The way to use alkaline cleaners will certainly be different from that of using acid cleaners. It is important to understand these speciality stone cleaners before using them to get the best outcome. They are designed for professional use and some level of competency is required by the user.
It is important to seal or re-seal these surfaces once you have cleaned them. This will help preserve the surface, keep it stain-free and will certainly aid in maintenance. Do ask us what maintenance products and tools you may need to keep your stone and tile surfaces looking pristine at all times.
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