Welcome to our stone floor polishing page. Here you will find an amazing system that comprises of a multi tasking floor machine that is capable of cleaning, buffing, grinding, polishing and crystallization which can be loaded up with accessories and tools to overcome any challenges in relation to stone floor polishing and it's related work.
These products are from Spain by Coor & Kleever which has been in the business of marble polishing supplies since 1960. They have perfected their machines to run optimally and will outlast any other machine of its kind. It is indeed a sound investment if you are already in the stone floor polishing business or intent to get involved in it. Stone Doctor Australia provides technical support and will assist you with every challenge associated with this trade.
Everything you find here are fully imported. Take advantage of our high yielding marble floor polishing pads. They are unlike the cheap Chinese pads that are inconsistent and hardly lasts. They have been developed using diamond abrasive technology at its best. These marble floor polishing pads are either metal bond or resin bond. The metal bond pads are aggressive and is used to flatten and prepare the floors to receive a honed finish. The resin bond pads polishes the surface or prepares the surface for chemical polishing of marble, limestone and travertine. In our range of marble polishing supplies, you will discover our polishing powders to be very different and the results will amaze you. Look at our dry polishing or crystallization products which comes in very handy for maintenance and post restorative care. We also have a softer system of marble floor polishing pads that can restore lipped floor floor tiles by going over them rather than flattening the existing lippages.
This advanced polishing system that we have here not only has marble polishing supplies but has great products for granite and concrete floors as well. Our KG Granite Liquid & KG Granite Powder for granite floors will produce a high polished finish quickly as compared to other products in the market that react very slowly or have no effect on granite. Traditionally, granite surfaces were the most difficult to restore but it is no longer the case. Use KP Densifier & KC Crystallizer for polished concrete floors.
Kindly contact Simon Gabriel our senior consultant if you wish to have full details on this floor polishing system. Phone: 03-9429 1223.
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