The Birth Of A Blog

Stone Doctor is now blogging with the intention to offer better services. More to come soon.
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For starters, look into the Lithofin range of Stone Care Products in our online store ( There is heaps of product information, MSDS and method statements.


All the very best with your blog Simon. This will be popular and very informative for anyone looking for the correct advice on all areas of stone and tile care. I look forwad to the opportunity of contributing and assisting.

Greg Foulds

Thanks Greg… I am new to blogging too… feels weird. I guess end of the day, this blog is for the benefit of Lithofin users as well as for services rendered to customers of Stone Doctor.


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Lithofin Ultimate Stone Cleaners

Ultimate Lithofin Stone Cleaners

Comprehensive Solutions for Final Construction, Basic, and Special Cleaning Needs. Achieve pristine surfaces with Lithofin's range of stone cleaners, tailored to tackle everything from new construction residues to deep-seated grime and specific stains. Prepare and protect your stone surfaces with ease and efficiency.

Lithofin Ultimate Stone Sealers

Premium Lithofin Stone Sealers

Superior Protection and Enhancement for Your Stone Surfaces.Lithofin's range of stone sealersoffers impregnation, color enhancement, and surface sealing solutions to make cleaning easier and guard against stains and moisture. Achieve deep color, enhanced shine, and lasting protection with our specialized treatments designed for all your stone care needs.